Universities rely on foundation grants and charitable gifts to sustain their work. How robust is your prospect pipeline?
Institutions need ongoing funding to survive, which starts and ends with the ability to connect with potential donors.
From assessing current donor capacity to uncovering new major gift and corporate opportunities, prospect research is the cornerstone of fundraising. But identifying and engaging donors can be a painstaking task that's often performed manually using search engines and databases.

Reactive research often leaves little room for proactive efforts. How much time are you losing?
For your university's work to carry on across generations, a more proactive pipeline-building approach is needed. But when you're overwhelmed with research requests from fundraisers, you're limiting your own prospect research projects and putting fundraising goals at risk.
Discover valuable fundraising opportunities
“Xapien is the first step in our prospect profile writing process.”
Oliver Taylor, Development Research Manager at The University of Manchester
Using Xapien as a first step in the prospecting cycle enables your fundraising team to enter every conversation with an informed understanding of your prospect’s background and propensity to give. Xapien uncovers key insights on individuals from their donor history to their institutional, professional, and personal backgrounds.

Xapien streamlines due diligence
Xapien's AI-powered research and due diligence tool goes faster than manual research and beyond traditional database checks. Fill in the form to the right to book in a 30 minute live demonstration.