Third-party due diligence

Enterprises use Xapien for fully-automated supply chain due diligence

Third-party risks are growing at an unprecedented scale

Geopolitical tensions, trade disputes, climate change, and other ESG factors are making supply chains more vulnerable.

While most companies screen their third parties, only a select few undergo deep due diligence. New regulations pushing for greater supply chain transparency are increasing the pressure on risk teams to thoroughly check all counterparties. 

Prospect research tools making the case for automation in universities
Prospect research tools making the case for automation in universities (1)

The battle between risk and resource

Third-party risk due diligence requires a nuanced understanding of your counterparts. Compliance tools that screen against databases can't provide this. Only deep, contextual background research can. This leaves two choices: invest significant time and money into manual research or risk partnering with third parties you don’t know much about. 

Holistic insight on your third-parties, in minutes

Manual due diligence processes don't scale. Xapien does.


Our third-party risk management software scours through millions of corporate records, adverse media, and news articles to produce a fully-sourced, summarised report about any company or individual, anywhere in the world, in minutes.

It automates the analysis of large amounts of online data to find patterns and connections that show third-party risks. Until now, this has only been possible with a large team of analysts.

Xapien search and report

Xapien in 30 seconds

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Our packages


You're a small organisation struggling to keep up with research volumes. How can you scale your research capabilities to meet growing demands without compromising on quality?


You're an established business with a combination of tools and manual processes. You know you could be more efficient, so what could fully automated research unlock for you?


You're a large enterprise with growing regulatory compliance and reputational risks. You need an enterprise solution that can keep up.

I'm a single user — can you help?

Xapien streamlines 
due diligence

Xapien's AI-powered research and due diligence tool goes faster than manual research and beyond traditional database checks. Fill in the form to the right to book in a 30 minute live demonstration.