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Image of a dart hitting the target to represent success in fundraising

Nonprofit benchmarks for due diligence in 2024

Fundraising is becoming more complex, and nonprofits must scrutinise gifts to avoid entering problematic donor relationships. While…

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Line drawing of a rocket to represent growth in fundraising

Strengthen major donor fundraising with this intelligence

There’s a changing tide in major donor fundraising — a new wave of high-net-worth individuals are replacing…

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Compliance teams we talk to often feel overwhelmed and under-resourced when it comes to AML compliance. And it’s no surprise—many are still using manual, outdated processes.

Why compliance teams need better client intake software

Compliance teams we talk to often feel overwhelmed and under-resourced when it comes to AML compliance. And it’s no surprise—many are still using manual, outdated processes.

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Cover image for a blog illustrating a queue of clients

Friction in your client intake process? AI can help

Client intake is a multifaceted process that involves compliance teams working across various tools and systems. It…

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Reshma Raja on 5 guardrails to adopt AI safely

AI is on the radar for many law firms this year. In fact, over 60% of large…

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Top 5 nonprofit due diligence tools in 2024

Done manually, donor due diligence consumes valuable time for prospect development teams — time that could be…

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