Protecting corporate reputation in the age of the conscientious consumer

Consumer activism is nothing new; one of the most famous and long-lasting consumer boycotts, against food manufacturer Nestle due to ethical concerns about its baby formula campaigns, has been ongoing for almost 50 years. But in today’s world of viral social media campaigns and peer-to-peer influencing over consumer choices, it no longer takes a well-resourced…

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Xapien: How it works 

When it comes to due diligence, you need comprehensive research with maximum efficiency. But it’s easier said than done.  Whether you contract a third-party firm, or your team manually searches, analyses, and writes up a report, it’s expensive and time-consuming. This can lead to missed opportunities, and for your fundraising or business development team, it…

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What could you achieve with an automated research analyst?

Do you currently outsource research to a third-party due diligence firm, or does your organisation have an in-house team to manually find, analyse, and understand the vast amount of online information about your clients, prospects, and partners?  Maybe you’re an analyst yourself. What if you could receive that report in just 10 minutes? Enter AI—your…

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The role of ethics committees in legal firms, and the need for nuanced insight

The Code of Conduct from the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) specifies that ethical decisions when onboarding clients must uphold public trust in the legal profession, and be made with independence, integrity, honesty, and respect for equality and inclusion. But there are situations where it’s unclear how to fulfil these ethical obligations. To address ‘unique ethical questions’…

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What’s adverse media screening, and why is it important?

It’s been slightly over a year since The Wolfsberg Group, an association of 12 global banks combating financial crime, released a FAQ document outlining key considerations for adverse media screening (NNS). But what exactly is adverse news, why do organisations need to perform this screening, and how can it be done effectively? What is adverse…

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Why new research funding regulation increases pressure on universities

The UK’s research and development (R&D) landscape has long captured the attention of foreign investors. In fact, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) today makes up a significant portion of funding into universities’ R&D projects (£1.2 billion to be exact). The UK has a world-leading status in R&D, and the higher education sector is ripe for global…

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How to gain trust in AI for background research

AI is no longer the future – it’s here. In the domain of research and due diligence, it’s causing a paradigm shift. Manual tasks are giving way to automation, and insights about individuals and companies, previously concealed within online articles, are more accessible than ever. But to truly harness the power of AI, trust is…

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5 use cases for RegTech in the legal industry

In today’s fast-evolving regulatory landscape, legal firms need to work at speed, processing large volumes of data to maintain compliance. It’s no simple task. That’s where RegTech enters the picture. Although this technology is often associated with the financial sector, there is an increasing range of regulatory tools and technologies being created for the legal…

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