The true impact of AI on due diligence

As with many aspects of life, organisations are no longer questioning the use of AI in due diligence but rather how to use it effectively. AI helps researchers and analysts do more. By automating repetitive tasks, individuals can spend more time on higher-value, interesting work.

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Demystifying sanctions

Organisations are now having to make sure that they are complying with the fast-changing sanctions landscape. Failure to comply with the host of new international sanctions regimes will mean severe legal and financial penalties for organisations. In the UK, it can also lead to imprisonment for up to 10 years.

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How to Prevent Reputational Risk

Reputational risk comes from the fact that information travels faster than ever and once it’s out there, it lasts. Studies show that negative tweets from news organisations are statistically more likely to be shared than positive ones, regardless of even the political affiliation of the news organisation. Unfortunately, a negative story is always going to stick.

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Prospect research tools: making the case for automation in universities

It is more important than ever that colleges know exactly who prospects are, as soon as possible, so they can focus their fundraising efforts on the right prospects. But with the vast amount of information on the internet, it takes teams of researchers days to manually trawl through search results in order to learn about potential donors and assess their suitability.

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