Sep 29 • 2 min read

Legal Geek day 2: AI for talent retention


On day 1 at Legal Geek we heard from Eleanor Lightbody (CEO of Luminance) and Connagh McCormick (General Counsel at proSapient) about AI for talent retention. This theme was reinforced across the conference on day 2:

AI doesn’t just drive efficiency, but it enables the bright minds to leave the grunt work behind and do what they became a lawyer to do – strategy and driving business decisions. Talent retention (and acquisition) is a challenge in the legal sector. Too often, highly skilled individuals who have spent several years a the best academic institutions get given ‘grunt work’ roles early on in their careers. They feel undervalued, de-motivated, and often shop around looking for more dynamic roles either with other firms, or in different sectors altogether. ‘Grunt’ or repetitive, routine work is often an essential part of legal work. But that doesn’t mean you need to give it to a highly skilled individual. The latest advanced in AI and natural language processing can do this routine work for you.

It is not the role of AI to replace lawyers, but it is the role of AI to empower lawyers to to what only they can do – complex, strategic decision making. At Xapien, we don’t tell you how to judge and act upon the information we deliver you. We just find it and analyse it for you so that we can present it to you in a way that you, or any of your colleagues can rapidly understand and make informed decisions off the back of.

Putting tools like Xapien in the hands of junior lawyers enable them to spend less time gathering and processing information and more time learning how to make complex strategic decisions.

For the junior lawyer, technology and automation enables them to grow their careers. For the law firm, technology and automation enables them retain talent, build strong cultures, and get the best out of the fine minds that they invest in.

Don’t just take our word for it, Jezah Khamisa (Knowledge and Innovation Manager at Slaughter and May) was clear that recruits are consistently asking about appetitive for innovation in a firm. The best legal students see legal tech adoption and innovation as a mark of:

  • how modern/cutting edge a law firm is;
  • what their daily experience will be; and
  • will that law firm remain competitive against their peers.

Want to find out more about how Xapien can jumpstart your law practice? Get in touch now.

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