Stop searching. Start knowing
Just enter the name of your subject, provide some brief context and press Go.
Xapien does the rest.

Fully sourced
If something is interesting, you may want to know where it came from and read the original. All of the information in the reports is from publicly available data and is fully sourced so you can visit the original content.

Auto translated
Xapien finds content from across the globe, published in over 100 languages. All content is translated into English and scanned for risk. You get all the facts about your subject.

In context
Xapien doesn't just present articles for you to read, they are automatically read, identifying assets, associates, wealth, business roles, descriptions, quotes and affiliations. These summaries and categorisation saves hours of reading time.
Searching, verifying and matching online records is slow and painstaking work. Xapien makes thousands of decisions, so that you only have to make one.

At a glance
Xapien combs through the records to flag insolvencies and other corporate risk indicators, giving you a high level view of your subject's portfolio.

Industry breakdown
You can see at a glance the industries in which your subject operates, be that healthcare, pharmaceuticals or minerals and mining.

All the detail
View the key corporate activity in a glance from name changes to locations and trading status.

Xapien highlights regulatory, reputational and values-led risks. This includes corporate insolvency risk, jurisdictional risk, and early signposting of ESG risks.

Locations in context
Every address is shown on a map, alongside streetview images giving you a textured view of where your subject operates from.

Connections and associates
Xapien will surface all close associates. Corporate records as well as open-source data are analysed to extract family members, business partners and overlapping directors. Map out networks at a glance.
Due diligence for industries that put trust first
Our packages
You're a small organisation struggling to keep up with research volumes. How can you scale your research capabilities to meet growing demands without compromising on quality?
You're an established business with a combination of tools and manual processes. You know you could be more efficient, so what could fully automated research unlock for you?
You're a large enterprise with growing regulatory compliance and reputational risks. You need an enterprise solution that can keep up.
I'm a single user — can you help?
Xapien streamlines due diligence
Xapien's AI-powered research and due diligence tool goes faster than manual research and beyond traditional database checks. Fill in the form to the right to book in a 30 minute live demonstration.