Negative News Screening that doesn’t burden manual resources

Wolfsberg’s Negative News Screening FAQs asks ‘How can an FI ensure NNS adds value without the need for excessive manual resources?’
Performing thorough Negative News Screening is time-consuming, complex and requires painstaking attention to detail.
An automated solution like Xapien brings speed, scale and consistency to this process, without the burden on manual resources.
Our AI research platform goes beyond keyword checks to read all of the content online about a person or organisation. A Xapien report gives the full picture of your client’s reputation and conduct, within minutes.
This helps you form fast, traceable decisions with confidence. FIs can efficiently serve and onboard more of the right clients, while preventing association with the wrong clients.
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Stop searching.
Start knowing.
Search engines are great but they are only the starting point. Finding, reading and condensing the full picture is slow, hard, and painstaking work. Xapien can help.