Two days’ due diligence in 30 minutes

Xapien is the single source of truth for donor due diligence

Reputations take centuries to build, but just one headline to destroy. How are you protecting yours? 

Now, more than ever, nonprofits need to know who they're accepting donations from.

Under the gaze of the media and activist shareholders, knowing donors from the start is vital. But treally know a donor means to know their associations, interests, and reputation. Screening data alone can’t provide this insight.

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Insights come from deep research, not surface-level searches

Knowing a donor is more than just their sanctions exposure. You need to know if they have ties to industries and associates that don’t align with your and your stakeholder’s values and ESG priorities. But that means filtering through thousands of search engine results. And with fundraising goals to meet, time is a luxury neither you nor your fundraisers can afford

Protect your reputation with Xapien

Xapien helped identify a potential future risk and saved a great deal of potential reputational fall out.”

Joe Forrest, Partnerships Researcher, Royal National Lifeboat Institution

Xapien doesn't stop at databases. It combs the entire indexed internet to deliver concise reports on individuals or companies worldwide. It casts a wide lens on potential donors – sorting their comprehensive risks from sanctions to allegations, corporate structures to key associates, and their wider online reputation. Its succinct reporting untangles the web of information, revealing deep insights instead of surface-level responses. 

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Customer success story

“Whether it’s an individual, or a corporate partner, or a trust or a supplier, we now run a Xapien report at the start of the research process.”

The Royal National Lifeboat Institution conducts due diligence on all corporate partners, trusts and major suppliers to protect the organisation from risks. But manual research using search engines and databases can lead to bias in the results due to a user’s preferences and past searches.

By using Xapien to conduct background research, the RNLI can be sure to obtain unbiased results and uncover all the reputational risks, not just the first few pages of a search engine.

For example, the RNLI was looking to partner with an extreme sports safety equipment company. Initial searches didn’t find anything of concern. But then a Partnerships Researcher ran a Xapien report and found several class action lawsuits in USA and Canada relating to faulty equipment.

Even though the previous UK-focussed searches hadn’t found anything, the same faulty equipment was sold in the UK.

Our guide to protecting your reputation

Fundraisers are under unprecedented pressure to reach targets. At the same time, universities need to think responsibly about who they accept money from. Not all forms of reputational risk are predictable and preventable. But some are.

In this guide, we share due diligence best practices and how AI can enable universities to meet big fundraising targets without leaving themselves at risk of ending up on the front pages of the newspapers - for the wrong reasons.

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