Your foundation’s name is invaluable. Protecting it from reputational damage is crucial.
Funding the wrong organisation or individual puts that reputation at risk.
While you can protect and uphold your own standards, what about the organisations you support? You can’t risk funding criminal activities, individuals with controversial political ties or industries that conflict with your mission and values. These decisions can damage credibility and impact individual projects, jeopardising your foundation's future.

Truly know potential grantees before you invest in building a relationship.
Foundations need a comprehensive view of potential grantees early in the process to identify any red flags before committing their time, funds, and reputation. This involves understanding not only the organisational governance and beneficial ownership structure but also its reputation and that of the individuals behind it. Identifying reputational threats at the outset helps avoid wasting valuable time and resources on extensive due diligence or relationship-building with organisations that may ultimately harm their cause.
Protect your charitable name with Xapien
Xapien is a grantmaking due diligence tool that surfaces red flags on potential grantees in less than 15 minutes. It combs the entire indexed internet to deliver concise reports on individuals or companies worldwide. The platform casts a wide lens on risks, from sanctions to allegations, corporate structures to key associates, and their wider online reputation. By identifying reputational risks early, you can focus on building relationships with organisations that will drive your good work forward.

Xapien streamlines due diligence
Xapien's AI-powered research and due diligence tool goes faster than manual research and beyond traditional database checks. Fill in the form to the right to book in a 30 minute live demonstration.