Everything you need to know about risk assessment

And how automation helps you manage it Authorities in every jurisdiction require law firms to assess risk and carry out due diligence before they take on new clients. The requirements are complex and vary according to area of practice and location. Furthermore, it is not uncommon for current or former clients to file claims against…

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The challenges facing law firms in 2023, and how to solve them

Law firms have long needed to carefully look into the background of their clients in order to avoid potential legal or ethical non-compliance. This process, though demanding in terms of time and resources, is crucial to avoid conflicts, comply with regulations, and avoid inadvertently facilitating money laundering or supporting organised crime. As we enter 2023,…

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How automated litigation support is a game-changer for law firms

Automated litigation support frees lawyers from spending excessive time on repetitive tasks, so they can focus on practising law Some 65% of legal departments have seen the volume of legal work handled by their team increase in the last year, according to Thomson Reuters’ seventh Legal Department Operations Index, released in October. But, despite higher…

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Tech glossary: Xapien’s jargon buster

A glossary of some of the buzzwords in the field of machine learning and Artificial Intelligence Every sector has its own unique language, full of buzzwords and acronyms. As a B2B (Business to Business) deep tech company that serves a diverse range of markets and industries, we’re having to learn new jargon all the time.…

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How intelligent software is transforming legal client intake

Law firms are saving time and increasing efficiency with AI In this article, we dig in to how legal client intake is evolving, and the best software available today. Automation and intelligent software have transformed almost every industry, from agriculture to banking to shipping. It is now transforming the legal sector, despite the industry’s reputation…

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Joseph, José or Giuseppe? The challenge of matching names across languages

Traditional research methods could be giving you a blindspot in your investigations into international names. Research for due diligence, prospect or investigative purposes frequently involves people who are ‘international’ – with connections in more than one country. Because of this, their name may appear in different languages and scripts. To uncover all the information you…

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The challenges of using search engines for adverse media screening

Conscientious consumers, investors, and employees, as well as globalised supply chains and enhanced regulations, have made it vital to know who you are in business with. Equipping yourself with the right due diligence tools has never been more important. Using search engines to screen adverse media is time-consuming, inefficient and inconsistent. Relying on these methods…

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How AI is augmenting litigation support services

Almost one-fifth of UK legal buyers in 2022 believe digitalisation and the use of technology are strategic priorities for their firms.[1] New technology brings law firms growth opportunities, but also potential challenges. They must keep up with fast-moving competitors and address the growing necessity to use technology in their processes. Conducting online research today is…

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What is Natural Language Processing, and how does it work?

Context, nuance, negation and colloquialism: How Xapien can read like a human At Xapien, we prioritise simplicity and transparency. Our platform is easy-to-use and easy-to-read. We always display the sources for the information found in our reports. Although the reports are created using complex, cutting-edge technology, we strive to present our findings in a simple…

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