What law firms need to know about RegTech

RegTech, short for Regulatory Technology, refers to technology that solves the regulatory and compliance challenges faced by organisations. But what does it mean for law firms? In the words of the UK Financial Conduct Authority: RegTech is a subset of FinTech that focuses on technologies that may facilitate the delivery of regulatory requirements more efficiently and…

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How AI improves reputational due diligence

Performing reputational due diligence emerged in the 2000s… so why in 2024 should organisations be reviewing and improving their approaches? The way due diligence can be used to manage the reputation of organisations has transformed in recent years. The move to the always-on digital world has impacted due diligence in two significant ways: An understanding…

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Nonprofits guide to effectively researching potential donors

The ongoing data explosion has permanently changed the role of any prospect researcher – carrying out your due diligence takes much longer than it used to. At the same time, it is increasingly important to know who you are doing business with before putting your organisation at risk. Researching your potential donors thoroughly enables you to build trust, spot potential opportunities, and mitigate risk.

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Why your nonprofit gift acceptance policy isn’t doing enough

The ongoing data explosion has permanently changed the role of any prospect researcher – carrying out your due diligence takes much longer than it used to. At the same time, it is increasingly important to know who you are doing business with before putting your organisation at risk. Researching your potential donors thoroughly enables you to build trust, spot potential opportunities, and mitigate risk.

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Introducing a better way to perform background research

Our mission is to democratise background research. The explosion of online data has widened the scope for both reputational risk and avenues for growth. As a result, due diligence processes that were already in place for practically every sector are struggling to keep up. The benefits of a due diligence process that takes advantage of…

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The top prospect research tools to streamline donor due diligence

More universities and nonprofits are starting to integrate due diligence into their prospect research. From specialised consultancies that dig into the potential and risks of prospects to software solutions that can speed up and improve in-house screening, there’s a multitude of options to support fundraising. This blog will run through some of the best tools…

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5 important steps to adverse media screening

Adverse media checks are often done first in the due diligence process and for good reason—they provide insight into a subject’s background, identifying both risks and opportunities. Failing to capture negative media exposes organisations to significant reputational and regulatory risks. The challenge is how saturated the online landscape has become with different news sources. It’s…

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