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Nonprofits guide to effectively researching potential donors

The ongoing data explosion has permanently changed the role of any prospect researcher – carrying out your due diligence takes much longer than it used to. At the same time, it is increasingly important to know who you are doing business with before putting your organisation at risk. Researching your potential donors thoroughly enables you to build trust, spot potential opportunities, and mitigate risk.

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Why your nonprofit gift acceptance policy isn’t doing enough

The ongoing data explosion has permanently changed the role of any prospect researcher – carrying out your due diligence takes much longer than it used to. At the same time, it is increasingly important to know who you are doing business with before putting your organisation at risk. Researching your potential donors thoroughly enables you to build trust, spot potential opportunities, and mitigate risk.

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Introducing a better way to perform background research

Our mission is to democratise background research. The explosion of online data has widened the scope for…

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Why new research funding regulation increases pressure on universities

The UK’s research and development (R&D) landscape has long captured the attention of foreign investors. In fact,…

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How to gain trust in AI for background research

AI is no longer the future – it’s here. In the domain of research and due diligence,…

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5 use cases for RegTech in the legal industry

In today’s fast-evolving regulatory landscape, legal firms need to work at speed, processing large volumes of data…

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