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How automation can scale fundraising in 2024

Today, prospect research still happens earlier in the fundraising process, with due diligence left to the final stages. The challenge? It keeps prospects stuck in the pipeline. Especially since donor conversations can span weeks or even months. 

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Conflicts challenges facing law firms in 2024, and how to solve them

Undeclared conflicts of interest open the door to lawsuits, disqualified court cases, and fines. In 2023, a…

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20 questions to ask: Law firm buyers guide to compliance tools

Onboarding new clients is where compliance teams put their knowledge into action.

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4 types of reputational risk tools in 2024

Prevent reputational damage with the right tool for your organisation. 86% of executives surveyed last year pointed…

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6 best legal software platforms for 2024

The legal sector is undergoing a digital transformation. Client onboarding, litigation, and M&A matters all benefit from…

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Must have prospect donor research tools for 2024

Proactive pipeline-building is a huge priority for prospect research teams this year. Yet, most prospect research teams often find themselves caught up in reactive requests, leaving little room for proactive efforts.

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